Sunday, August 21, 2005


I have struggled to keep my blood sugar under control
during the past 15 years as a type II diabetic. In fact if
my blood sugar dropped below 180 I was lucky. It was
usually much higher than that. During that time I
thought I was doing all the right things (boy was I
wrong). The only thing that brought my blood sugar
down was more insulin.

Every time I went to the Doctor my average blood
sugar was higher, my cholesterol was higher, and my
triglycerides were totally out of control. The doctor
kept putting me on more and more medication.
Unfortunately, every single cholesterol med
just made me sick. We never found one that I could
stand to take.

During this time frame my father, who was also
a type II diabetic became very ill. Because
of his diabetes he had major heart surgery
and a kidney transplant. The new kidney lasted
about 4 years before it quit and dad had to go
back on dialysis. Come to find out there is a VERY
rare disease that is a side effect to dialysis. So rare
that most doctors have never even heard of it. I can't
even remember how to spell it but I think it was
calciphilaxis. The disease is pretty much a death
sentence with a life span of months once diagnosed.
In fact I only know of one case where someone has
actually lived with the disease.

Well this disease is so painful that doctors can't
even classify the pain level (or so several experts
told us). Basically dad's skin rotted off in layers.
It was very sad seeing my strong, powerful father
laying in bed in a fetal position crying (he never
cried) because of the pain.

Watching my dad go through that opened my
eyes. I decided that I would not allow that to
happen to me. So began my decision to get my
diabetes under control and to over time greatly
reduce my dependence on medication. Actually,
I hope to one day be off of the meds completely.

How have I done? Stay tuned to find out.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

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7:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. thnx!

12:12 PM  

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